

Citizens/Open Qualifier Round: Modified Redpoint format

  • 10 boulder problems per category 
  • 3 hours of climbing with max 12 attempts.
  • Record all your attempts. Mark completed climbs with 2 peer initials on the provided scorecard.


Rank of Tie break

  1. Total Attempts will be used as a 1st tie breaker.
  2. Lowest number of attempts of your highest point climb will be used a 2nd tie breaker
  3. Speed boulder
  • Ranking is based on the highest scores in each division.
  • Organizers reserve the right to move competitors up to the next division based on competitor’s performance.
    • Please choose your division wisely.
    • Sandbagging is not cool!

Boulder problem breakdown

  •  Start: 4 points start.
  • Top: (must show control with both hands)
  • Zone/Low Zone: (must show usage of hold that show progressive movement)
  • Attempt: (when all 4 points leave the ground)

Ranking is based on:

  1. Total Number of Tops
  2. Total Number of Zones
  3. Total Number of Low Zones* 
  4. Total Number of Attempts to Top
  5. Total Number of Attempts to Zone
  6. Total Number of Attempts to Low Zone*

*if applicable

  • Top 8 Open competitors advance to the final.

Open Finals Format: Showdown bracket based Finals! 

Showdown Finals Round 

Bracket format Round 1 

8 competitors advance from qualifying round to the Showdown Finals Round 1

Showdown Finals round Rank 1 – 8 competitors, will be paired off as follows:


  1. Rank 1 vs Rank 8
  2. Rank 2 vs Rank 7 
  3. Rank 3 vs Rank 6
  4. Rank 4 vs Rank 5

Boulder Choice:

First ranked competitor will choose the boulder which they wish to compete on 1st
Second highest ranked competitor gets 2nd choice
Third ranked competitor 3rd choice
Fourth ranked competitor gets the 4th choice. 


The lowest ranked competitor climbs first, 4 minutes on. 

The highest ranked competitor will climb second, 4 minutes on. 

No “+” 

Boulder problem breakdown

  • Start: 4 points start.
  • Top: (must show control with both hands)
  • Zone: (must show usage of hold that show progressive movement)
  • Attempt: (when all 4 points leave the ground)

Ranking is based on:

  1. Total Number of Tops
  2. Total Number of Zones
  3. Total Number of Low Zones* 
  4. Total Number of Attempts to Top
  5. Total Number of Attempts to Zone
  6. Total Number of Attempts to Low Zone*

*if applicable

Bracket format Round 2 

4 competitors advance from Showdown Round 1


  1. Winner 1 vs Winner 4 
  2. Winner 2 vs Winner 3 

The highest ranked competitor will choose the boulder which they wish to compete on First.

The second ranked competitor will get 2nd choice,

The lowest ranked competitor climbs first, 4 minutes on. 

The highest ranked competitor will climb second, 4 minutes on. 

No “+” 

Boulder problem breakdown

  •  Start: 4 points start. 2 for hands and 2 for feet.
  • Top: (must show control with both hands)
  • Zone: (must show usage of hold that show progressive movement)
  • Attempt: (when all 4 points leave the ground)

Ranking is based in the order of most Tops, most Zones, least Top attempts, and least Zone attempts.

Finals round 

3rd place final first 

  1. Loser 5 vs Loser 6


Winner 5 vs Winner 6 

  • 4 finals boulder problems for each category.
  • 4 minutes clock.
  • NO “+”

Boulder problem breakdown

  • When the climber selecting the boulder to which they compete on, they may not repeat boulders, they must choose a new boulder each time
  • Start: 4 points start. 2 for hands and 2 for feet.
  • Top: (must show control with both hands)
  • Zone: (must show usage of hold that show progressive movement)
  • Attempt: (when all 4 points leave the ground)

Ranking is based in the order of most Tops, most Zones, least Top attempts, and least Zone attempts.